1992 - 25 Years !

Twenty-five years after Fuzz started it all, we (largely Dave Antcliffe and Ian Austen) managed to track down around 80 original members. Eventually over 60 of those travelled from near and far to a reunion weekend on the 25/26th April 1992.

On Saturday we chatted over a few lunchtime beers in the Broomhill Tavern, and spent the evening in the Union Bar. It was even louder than when we knew it, but thankfully the beer was still cheap. Reunions don't always work, but this one did, and it was amazing how easy it was to pick up old friendships - in most cases anyway !

On Sunday we had a bowling match and buffet lunch at Firth Park. There were six ex-Captains, and many of us wore the original yellow bowling shirts, some even clean and ironed but still with sweat marks under the arms. Amazing how they'd shrunk though.

The day was won by Gary Barlow (ex Leeds), 2nd was Ian Hughes (ex Aston) and 3rd was Mif Smith. But as the rules did not allow a non Sheffield bowler to win, Mif was declared the winner. Prizes were given to Dave (Tas) Townsend from Hong Kong, Michael and Margaret Hesford (from Florida) and a special prize to Bert ('the bus') Fiander for carrying us around on our away trips and supporting our singing. Not forgetting the special wooden spoons for low bowling (Janet Davis and Roy Thurling).

Thanks were also due ex-Firth Park Manager Roger Marshall for his help in arranging this special day.