Altar Servers

Altar Server's Promise

I offer myself to God almighty

To blessed Mary, our Mother

And to our holy patron, Saint Stephen.

And I promise to do my best to serve regularly

with reverence and understanding

For the Glory of God

The service of his church and

My own growth in holiness


Altar Server's Prayer

Lord, there are so many interesting things I want to do today.

Please let them not distract me now, as I serve you at Mass.

Cleanse my heart by the help of your Holy Spirit.

Make me understand that by serving with dignity and respect,

I can help others to assist more sincerely.

Help me to know the Mass better and make me always eager

and happy to give myself in your service.

I have a special request:

Teach me how you want me to serve you with my life.


How to become a Server

Boys or girls who have taken their first communion are welcome, with a promise of respect in Church, to do their best and to serve regularly.

More volunteers for altar servers are needed. If you would like to find out more, contact Father Stan or Ann Hall (St Ann's) or Bill Garvey (St Mary's).